Friday, December 16, 2011

Ways and means by which pollution problems can be great reduced are -

1. Masses at personal level should determine to confuse optimum 
    level of resources, which would lead a comfortable life Because
   excessive resource consumption is in someway related to
    pollution problems and hazards.

 2. Waste disposal at personal level should be optimally reduced as
     waste destruction by any means causes pollution.

3. Maintenance of vehicles should proper as to avoid introduction of
    harmful gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere.

4. Generators and other household gadgets that add to pollution of
    environment should be kept will maintained.

5. Use of chemical fertilizers should be limited as to avoid water
    pollution e.g. DDT

6. Timely disposal of waste to prevent decomposition of household   
  refuge as to check out foul odour and spread of disease by insects, 
    flies and other pathogenic bacteria.

7. Industrialists should check proper disposal of treated water from 
    factory units as to avoid thermal pollution of  water bodies. They 
    should also diploy a water treatment plant to prevent the flow of 
    hazardous material.
8. Service centres of vehicles should minimise the disposal of
    organic solvents into the main drains.

9. Music Lovers should listen and operate their music systems at optimum levels as to avoid noise pollutions.

10. Use Cfl in place of a electric bulb to avoid pollution of carbon dioxide.